新到推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜并准备攻读学位或证书课程的学生需要参加一个介绍课程,该课程提供了大学课程和服务的概述, as well as expectations of students.

No, 任何在另一所学院或大学学习并获得学分的人都被认为是转学生. 转学生不需要参加新生迎新会, however they will be invited to attend a Student Services Information Day to learn more about the college.

Yes, 例如,那些在高中时获得大学学分的人, from Hudson Valley's College in the High School program, 在哈德逊山谷大学就读的学生必须参加新生迎新活动.

How do I sign up for New Student Orientation?
Students may schedule an Orientation session using the New Student Orientation Registration Form. 适应大约需要两个小时,如果包括可选的旅游,还有额外的时间.
注意:学生需要携带带照片的身份证件(驾照), 高中毕业证或政府颁发的带照片的身份证)参加迎新活动.

该学院为那些住在离校园一小时以上的地方或参加了完全在线课程的学生开发了一门在线培训课程. 希望完成在线迎新模块的学生应致电(518)629-7705或与新生迎新办公室联系 orientation@laurenrankinart.com. 因特殊情况不能参加个人辅导的学生, should also contact the New Student Orientation office.

在线迎新课程在新生报到工作人员注册课程24小时后提供. 注册后,学生将收到如何进入课程的说明.

是的,一般来说,面对面培训和在线培训的内容是相似的. 然而,面对面的指导提供了对一年级学生期望的更多细节. 面对面的会议也为学生提供了一个机会,让他们得到即时的反馈,并回答他们可能遇到的任何问题. 

Why is it important I attend? What will happen during orientation?
迎新会上提供的信息有助于学生了解大学水平的期望,并分享有关学术和个人支持服务的信息. 此外,学生将学习如何访问学生系统,如WIReD和Webmail. 迎新会是一个熟悉大学校园的机会, meet support staff and new students as well.


At in-person Orientation, student IDs, Orientation Handbooks, 学校的宣传物品将会发给每位学生.

Immunization records will be managed; student IDs distributed, and college tours offered.

Students who take the online Orientation course will be given instructions for getting a student ID; managing immunization records and accessing online student systems.

Can I bring my parents or a friend with me to orientation?
新生迎新活动只针对新生,不针对家长、监护人或朋友. 我们要求学生自己参加迎新会,因为演讲的重点是他们的责任和学业成就.

学生服务信息日为新生和转学生安排, parents, family members and guests. Sessions provide tips for encouraging student success; tutoring and mentoring resources; information on wellness offerings, student activities, and career and transfer planning assistance. Online registration is requested for these sessions.

当他们的学生参加迎新活动时,计划在该地区或校园的家长和家庭成员被鼓励参观校园. Highlights include the Guenther Enrollment Services Center with the Financial Aid office; the Siek Campus Center with the college bookstore, cafeterias and social spaces for students; the Marvin Library Learning Commons and Learning Centers; the Science Center; the McDonough Sports Complex with athletic facilities including the Conway Arena and fitness rooms; and the Bulmer Telecommunications Center with classroom and meeting spaces.

What do I need to bring to Orientation?
You should bring the following:

  • 身份证照片:学生参加迎新活动时需携带身份证照片. 可接受的身份证明包括驾驶执照, high school ID or a government-issued photo ID.
  • 用户名和密码:学生应携带他们的哈德逊山谷用户名和密码,这些用户名和密码通过电子邮件发送到他们在申请中提供的个人电子邮件帐户中.

What happens after Orientation?
所有学生都需要完成剩余的注册步骤. 他们可以通过查看我的注册步骤清单来跟踪他们在WIReD中的进度, which is discussed during New Student Orientation.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?
For more information about the New Student Orientation, call the Orientation phone line at (518) 629-7705 or email orientation@laurenrankinart.com. 有关有线或一般入学信息的帮助, please contact the Registrar's Office at (518) 629-4574.

Get in Touch

Orientation Site

Amstuz Hall, Room 201

Orientation Office Staff

Guenther Enrollment Services Center, Room 228